Architecture Alive presents Peter Lorenz, 06.10.2018
© Ramon Portelli – © Ramon Portelli – © Ramon Portelli – © Ramon Portelli –
- Venue: St Angelo Hall, Malta Maritime Museum, Vittoriosa Waterfront, Birgu
- Date: Saturday 6 October 2018
- Doors: 6:30pm
- Talk: 7:00pm
- Drinks until: 9:00pm
MED CAMPUS Linz – LORENZATELIERS – © LORENZATELIERS Kreuzgasse II Innsbruck – LORENZATELIERS – © Christian Flatscher IVB Headquarter Innsbruck – LORENZATELIERS – © Christoph Lackner Asfinag Headquarter Innsbruck – © Christian Flatscher Nussbaum Allee Vienna -LORENZATELIERS – © Andrea Buchberger
Award-winning Austrian architect Peter Lorenz launches the Architecture Alive series
Well known for his humanistic approach to the architectural profession, Peter Lorenz is a tireless ambassador for the architect’s ethical responsibilities. His lauded participation on international juries and part-time teaching in various universities all over the world complete his professional activities.
LORENZATELIERS comprises internationally active Austrian architecture offices for urbanism, architecture and design. They handle master plans, project development and building planning all the way to its culmination in property handover. Their work is anchored in ethical standards, a humanistic world view, all-embracing accountability and responsibility.
A versatile international team places highest possible importance on expending every human effort to fulfil their assigned tasks to perfection. Their guiding light is respectful interdisciplinary cooperation with top experts. Their objective, among other things: achieving long enduring quality and timeless architecture. It is not the ‘style’ that assumes priority, but rather, finding the optimal solution for complex challenges in irreproducible locations. Competent construction management provides the indispensable complement to professional planning. For international projects, local partners of unsurpassed standing are available.
LORENZATELIERS was founded in 1980 in Innsbruck by Peter Lorenz. Since 1991 it has had its headquarters in Vienna. A new branch will be opened in Trieste, Italy in 2018. Architect Giulia Decorti has been a partner since 2014.
“Our architectural work is accompanied by a profound and penetrating search for the sense behind our actions and the correct, i.e. valid solutions for the assignments we are entrusted with.”
HUMANISM _ The focal point is human, it includes human development, commitment to human rights, epistemological insights, constructivism, sustainability, the promotion of alternative energy and embraces cooperation with art and the frugal use of natural resources.
NATURE _ We maintain highest respect for nature, expend great effort in our duty to maintain the value and dignity of flora and fauna, uphold ethics in nature.
QUALITY _ Encompassing, as we understand it, all its manifold ramifications and meanings, from the initial idea to the final details. The ultimate goal: fulfilling all requirements to the optimal degree.
Urbanism & Architecture
SPATIAL ENVIRONMENT _ The focus of our work is not ‘style‘ or ‘form‘, but living space for human beings which provides the ideal environment for their unfolding development.
GENIUS LOCI _ Every task is tied to a specific place. It seeks a unique, an optimal solution which is inextricably linked to the spot itself.
FUNCTION/CONSTRUCTION/FORM _ Even if these terms are no longer in fashion, we still value them as the three pillars of architecture.
ALL-ENCOMPASSING IDENTITY _ Architecture in its overall complexity as all-embracing, far-sighted, forward-looking vision which includes wide ranging aspects and associations.
MINIMALISM _ Simple design language, reduced choice of materials, dispensing with ‘style’ and ‘decoration.’ A solution is ‘right’ when nothing can be omitted.
Office Branches
Hollandstrasse 9
1020 Wien
+43 1 533 4908
Maria Theresien Strasse 37
6020 Innsbruck
+43 512 5868 45
strada del friuli 98
+39 040 44978
MED CAMPUS LINZ – 1st Prize international competition – general planning
WB High Rise Building BORA Raubling (Germany) – 1st Prize international competition
La costa triestina, Trieste, 2018
Sophienspital, Vienna 2018
Breiterfurterstrasse, Vienna, 2009 – 2013
Mehrwert Simmering, Vienna, 2003 – 2017 1st Prize international competition
3 Villas Vienna (BUWOG), 2018 – 181 apartments
ON239 Vienna (BUWOG), 2017 – 130 apartments
Langeranger Vienna (MIGRA), 2016 – 112 furnished apartments, 13 miniapartments, supermarket
Kreuzgasse II Innsbruck (ZIMA), 2013 – 2017 – 58 apartments
Nussbaumallee Vienna (SOZIALBAU AG), 2016 – 175 apartments
Base 11 Student Hostel Vienna (KALLCO), 2013 – 306 furnished miniapartments
IVB Headquarter Innsbruck (IVB), 2013 – intelligent façade
Asfinag Headquarters Innsbruck (ASFINAG), 2011 – intelligent facade
iF Design Award for the project ‘IVB central building‘, 2016
Best Architects 15 for the project ‘IVB central building‘, 2014
DIVA Award – special prize for the project ‘ASFINAG‘, 2012
Otto-Wagner Prize for the project ‘Mehrwert Simmering‘, 2002
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